Monday, November 14, 2005

A visit to the Lakefront

A couple of weekends ago I took Christopher & Jacob out to the lakefront to see how it had survived. I knew the news would be bad, but even after all the evidence it's hard to believe how much power this storm packed.

Even before you get to the marina, you see the first signs of destruction. I guess it'll be a while before tours are available on this craft again.

As soon as you cross the levee to you see the destruction. The beach volleyball park , just on the north side of the levee, collected much of the debris from the buildings closer to the lake.

Then, walking to the pedestrian bridge that crosses to Bucktown, all that can be seen of Brunning's, Sidmar's, & all the other homes & restaurants along the water is pilings. The force of the water was so strong that it pushed over the steel handrails on the bridge.

But it really gets interesting over by Southern Yacht Club. The cost of the pile of fiberglass in the loop road & the parking lot is incalcuable.

Of course in the midst of this chaos there were some strange sights. For instance, the Tulane class boats, still tied to their dock, had been moved several hundred yards and deposited in the midst of the destroyed behemouths, seemingly undamaged.

And one small cruiser found a new mooring in the decorative pond not much bigger than she, in which she was floating peacefully. Though I imagine her trip there was anything but peaceful.

Through all this, though, it was good to know that our city inspectors were still at work, warning us to avoid dangerous buildings.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Chip!

I tried to call you a bunch of times (got your Zachary number from your dad a few days after the storm) and all I got was "All circuits are busy..."

Catherine showed me the link to this blogspot. Seems you guys have survived amazingly well, despite all the heartache.

Take care!


9:14 PM  

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